Management Science student writing new column for GB Mag

27 November 2013

Management Science student Bin Xiang is writing a monthly column for Great British Mag, a magazine intended for international students thinking of studying in Britain.

Bin, whose first column was published on 2 December, was chosen from hundreds of entries for his hilarious article about the differences between a Chinese and British student ordering a meal in a restaurant.

His column provides an opinionated and amusing insight into student life from an international students’ prospective.

GB Magazine Bin, aged 23, who is from Ningbo, China, and is here studying for an MSc in Management Science and Marketing Analytics, commented on becoming a guest writer: “I am looking forward to sharing my experiences – good and bad – about being an international student in the UK. It will be great to have a voice to air my opinions, which I dare say may be the experience and opinions of many other international students.

“I hope that readers like my column and also contribute their own experiences and opinions.”